Groundwater damage to buildings

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Groundwater damage to buildings

Postby merehan on Sun Mar 12, 2023 2:16 am

The effect of groundwater on the foundations of the building
It is known that when mixing or preparing the concrete mixture, pure water - suitable for drinking - is one of the basic components of this mixture, which works to form a suitable medium for the interactions and connections that occur between the elements of this mixture, as it is used in specific and studied quantities that should not exceed what is Determined, but the increase in water content through external factors such as the presence of groundwater near the bases of the building has a great impact on weakening the bases of the building.

The exposure of the foundations to groundwater leads to their erosion and the erosion of concrete, especially if it is mixed with sewage water containing acid, which accelerates the corrosion process, which threatens the safety of the building as a whole and weakens it, especially for old buildings or those in which the necessary insulation techniques and materials were not used to protect from water and moisture. As humidity is one of the factors that negatively affect the strength of the facility and constitutes a major threat to the safety of its occupants.

Groundwater leakage damage to the foundations of the building
It is not possible to evaluate the impact with a 100% correct rate unless a sample of the groundwater in the area is taken and sent to the laboratory for study and analysis of its content, as the percentage of salts or minerals that may enter its composition varies from one region to another. Accordingly, its impact and the way it interacts with the constituent elements of the facility will vary. On the other hand, the strength and quality of the building must be studied, and the insulation materials used in it and the mechanism of its installation must be examined. In general, the total damages to the building can be counted as follows:

Foundation subsidence
The foundations are the most affected by groundwater due to their close proximity to them, so the water moves from the nearby soil to the bases of the building and rises to the walls, which threatens to collapse at any time, and it also causes damage to the floors or the separation of the tiles from the layer on which the floor is located.

Building collapse
The arrival of water to the concrete leads to cracks in the body of the concrete, which will help in the occurrence of granular separation, which causes weakness in the resistance of the concrete to pressure, and the corrosion or rust of the reinforcing steel means the shattering or collapse of the building or parts of it.

The building cracked
The occurrence of cracks in walls and walls, and peeling of the finish layer or the final paint, and it also causes spoilage of doors and floors, especially parquet or any materials used in finishing, especially in which wood is used.

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Re: Groundwater damage to buildings

Postby xangbar on Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:09 pm

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