Methods of permanently removing hair from the body

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Methods of permanently removing hair from the body

Postby merehan on Sat Mar 25, 2023 12:56 am

excess hair
Excess hair, whether it is on the face or on the body at the present time, is undesirable for many women, and it can affect a woman’s self-confidence in her life, work, and also in her beauty, and there are many methods that are used to get rid of excess hair that can It can grow on any part of the body, and you can also choose the method that suits your skin type

Laser hair removal
Laser removal of unwanted hair is one of the techniques that prevents its reappearance, or at least delays its appearance for longer periods, and it is noted that obtaining the best results when applied to individuals with light skin and dark hair, and laser treatment can be applied to most areas of the body except for the eyelids area, And what surrounds it, and the mechanism of action of this technique depends on shining a light beam on the area from which the hair is to be removed, so the skin pigment, e-melanin, absorbs this light so that its energy is converted from light to heat, which in turn destroys the hair follicles and prevents its growth again, and it is worth noting that it can The need to conduct several treatment sessions to reach the desired result.

The application of laser treatment sessions for permanent hair removal results in some results and symptoms that can be addressed, including the following:
The feeling of a burning sensation in the skin similar to sunburn, but it does not last for more than a day or two, and it can be mitigated with the help of cold compresses and skin moisturizers.
Possibility of experiencing a change in skin color during the next month of treatment; As a result of hair loss, this can be avoided by applying sunblock throughout the month.

The possibility that some dark-skinned individuals may suffer from the appearance of pimples after treatment.
The skin is exposed to redness, swelling, and the appearance of scars in some cases, but it must be reassured that these symptoms are temporary and will not remain permanently.

Electrolysis to get rid of body hair
It is possible to get rid of excess hair throughout the body using the electrolysis technique, in which a small needle containing an electric current is placed inside the hair follicle by trained, internationally accredited specialists, and there are two ways to get rid of excess hair by electrolysis, and they are :

Galvanic analysis: It uses chemicals to damage hair follicles.
Thermal analysis (in English: Thermolytic): heat is used to damage hair follicles.

Intense pulse technology
(in English: Intense pulse light): The principle of this technique is based on the use of intense light with a specific wavelength, as it is shone on the places that contain the highest percentage of melanin pigment (in English: Melanin), and this light damages the hair production process, and thus gets rid of it. Finally, it must be done by professionals.

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Re: Methods of permanently removing hair from the body

Postby xangbar on Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:42 pm

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