East-Tec Eraser is a great utility that protects your data and privacy and removes all evidence of your computer and online activity. In this guide, we will show you how to erase files and folder with Eraser.


Get the 20% discount off Eraser and follow the below steps:


Step1 select the files and folders you want to erase and add them to the erase window.

To add files and folder using drag and drop:

  1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, select any number of files and folders.
  2. While holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse pointer to the Eraser Window. If you have minimized Eraser, you can drag the files and folders to the minimized icon.
  3. Release the mouse button to drop the files and folders.


To add the files and folders using Add option:

  1. Click on the “Add Filer & Folders” toolbar button or open the Erase menu and select “Add files…” or “Add Folders…”.
  2. Select Add Filers to add one or more files; select Add Folders to add a folder. Select Search for File to search the items you want to erase or add a large number of files using wildcards.


Step2 Use the Erase Files & Folders option to erase the selected items.

Warning: before start to erase, please ensure that you have only selected the files and folders you really want to destroy beyond recovery. If you erase a file with Eraser by mistake, you won’t be able to recover it.


To erase the files and folders you have selected and added to the Erase Window, click on the “Erase Files & Folders” toolbar button to open the Erase menu and select “Erase Files & Folders”.


When the erase process is completed, the files and folders you erased will be successfully removed from the main list box.