Do you want to convert your Adobe PDF file to Epub so that you can easily enjoy the files on Mac or even sync them to Apple devices, including iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc.? If so, this paper will do you a favor.
Using iOrgSoft PDF to Epub Converter for Mac, you can easily convert your favorite PDF files to Epub format on Mac.
Download the iOrgSoft PDF to Epub converter for Mac here (65% discount off now).
Step1 load PDF files for processing
After start the program, click "Add Files" to button to import local PDF eBooks to the program, you can find some general information of your PDF files after adding them in the conversion list.
Step2 decide the output
You are able to save the output Epub file to the source file folder or customize a folder to save the output files all together. Click to specify a folder on your computer to save the output epub book.Click the "Open" button to open the destination folder.
Step3 convert PDF to Epub
Click 'Convert' button in lower-right corner and the conversion will be finished in seconds. Click the Open button below the panel, you can open the destination folder and find the converted ePub eBooks.