Before purchasing and installing PeekTab, you need to pay attention to the following requirements:

Tablet Requirements

Apple iPad models & iPad Mini models & tablets running the Android OS.

Internet Connection Requirements

Internet connection needed to upload monitoring logs to the control panel.


Detailed steps:


Step1: Make Purchase
When you purchase this software you must first acknowledge and agree that you are the owner or authorized administrator of the tablet you wish to install the software onto.Donwload and get coupon code for PeekTab here.

Step2: Download Software to the Tablet 
After you complete your order, you will receive an email receipt with your registration code. This code is used to register your account so you can create your username and password for your online account. A link is provided in the email to download the program. You can easily download and install the application onto the tablet to be monitored using the included instructions.

After PeekTab is downloaded to the tablet, you will run the installer file on the tablet. The software installs into full stealth mode. No icons or other mentions of the software will be shown on the tablet. Once the software is installed, you are ready to adjust settings.

Step3: Adjust Settings
After PeekTab is installed, it is hidden to the user of the tablet. The email receipt will give you a certain key sequence and instructions in order to open the PeekTab program on the tablet.

Enter the key sequence to bring up the interface and customize your monitoring settings here. When you are finished adjusting the settings then just select the option to start monitoring.

Step4: Login to View Activities 
After you have started the monitoring it will remain active from that point on. Even if the tablet is turned off and back on it will still remain active in the background. Activities will now be recorded and silently uploaded to your PeekTab account.

Then you can login to your account by visiting the Login Page anytime. After entering your username and password you will be brought to the Online Control Panel. Here you can browse the logs or search for something specific.